Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nothing is guaranteed

I have these ideas in my mind...these fabricated promises..."promises" that are not written in the Word, and ones that I know to be self-invented. I always assume that the things I want in life, and the things I work at in life, are promised to me...guaranteed. I feel deserving of a perfect relationship in which I will marry the man I want- when I want. I feel that if I try hard in school, I am guaranteed a good grade, and retention of the heavy info presented. Sure; these don't seem like irrational things to feel entitled to, but, the truth of it is- we aren't entitled to anything. There is only one thing in which Jesus gave us a guarantee, and that is His love for us. Our love for Him has its ups and downs...but His...His is unchanging. So why isn't this promise good enough for me? Why do I constantly crave the things of the world? God created marriage, as he created education and everything else on this earth, but He never intended for us to look to those things above Him! It is just too easy to do when you are unaware and vulnerable. Nothing satisfies...nothing quenches the longing in my heart for true, genuine, constant love. As depressing as this may sound, I feel blessed by it...because I don't want to feel this love by anyone that is bound to disappoint me at one point or another. I want to be loved in the truest form by the One who will never disappoint or reject me. How beautiful is it that the Lord made us, with the incredible depths of our hearts, so we couldn't replace Him and be completely happy? As wonderful as this is, it is also difficult to understand and remember in those times of disappointment and sadness. But, those times always bring me right back this fact....which makes is all worth it.

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